The Night Class Goes to South Park

Fine Art PrintsBio

Last night we went to the South Park neighborhood of Seattle, wandering  through the boatyards and down to the river.  We shot the bridge under construction, talked with the locals, gaped at the huge boats out of water.  It was a beautiful warm night, even a few stars visible beyond the glaring lights set up for the workers rebuilding the bridge.  For the grand finale, we went to a little park along the Duwamish River.  The low tide left a muddy beach that was sticky in the dark.  As we exposed our images, the rocks in the shallow water started to move and we realized the rocks were racoons.  There is so much color and life at night!  Staying with  a four minute exposure and then a four minute noise reduction process, forces one to just stand and look and listen.  Such a gift to do this in the dark, in the city.    The featured image for this post is my four minute exposure, looking north up the Duwamish toward downtown Seattle.

In the boatyard, the boats were giant shapes lurking in the dark.   The photograph reveals the remarkable colors and personalities of these vessels.  Is there anything I love more than a boat out of water?  Here are two images:

RedandGreenHulls_SPBoatyard trinityboatyardsouthpark

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