f/D Book of Pinhole

Fine Art PrintsBio

About six months ago I submitted some of my new pinhole work to the ƒ/D website call for work for a book on pinhole photography.  A passion for pinhole photography by Kier Silensky gave birth to a  book that will have ninety-nine images by pinhole photographers from all over the world.  My image, Under the Tracks/Inside the Box was accepted to be a part of this book.  Now the website Kier maintains, fslashd.com has started a Kickstarter site for the project in order to print the book as beautifully  as possible.

On the Kickstarter site, Kier states, “while photo books are a great way to collect photography, the pinhole photography community is greatly under-represented on bookshelves. In response, we ran a call for entry asking photographers to show us what they’ve seen through a pinhole. We received an overwhelming response from around the world, and selected 99 photos to publish in a book created to celebrate pinhole photography. In all, the book features 60 black & white and 39 color photos. The photographs represent techniques that demonstrate the “pinhole look” in general as well as the unique ways in which pinhole works with motion and time, bent film planes, infrared, and other techniques and formats.”

I personally still do not have a name for the camera that was constructed to make the  image that was accepted for the book. Basically it is a larger (2 x 2 x 2 feet) pinhole camera with a round hole placed right below the pinhole into which  a digital camera fits to  record the pinhole  image inside the box. A kind of mini-camera obscura room, aka Abelardo Morell, one of my heroes.    I am thrilled to be a part of this book and hope you will consider donating to the Kickstarter project so this book can be realized. You can go to the site  and see for the project for yourself:  the-f-d-book-of-pinhole.

I have made several images with this box as well as experimented with placing the DSLR inside of other giant camera obscurae and capturing the image that is made.  I am not sure where this work is leading me but it’s been fun!  I love the idea of making a pinhole image and capturing it with digital. Below I have added the image for the book and one other I’ve made with this camera.

Under the Tracks/Inside the Box

Outside the Sunny Arms/Inside the box




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