Images from Nighttime at Blue Sky Gallery’s Viewing Drawers

Fine Art PrintsBio

I am happy to announce that ten images from my Nighttime Portfolio have been chosen for the Blue Sky Gallery’s Pacific NW Viewing Drawers.  The gallery is located in Portland, Oregon.  These images are a part of the 2016 juried selections for the Viewing Drawers program and will be available at the Gallery for a year.  Blue Sky, is a fantastic place, a must see in Portland for anyone who cares about photography.  I am honored to be in these hallowed halls.

My Nighttime Portfolio is made up mostly of images made in the Seattle neighborhoods of Georgetown and South Park over the last five years or so.   I began the series because I felt a need to document the rebuilding of the Argo Bridge a few blocks from my studio.  As the old Bridge was demolished so was the quick walk and/or drive over to Georgetown from South Sodo.  I simply did not have time to photograph the Bridge consistently during the day and  I found that at night, the workers were gone, the train yards were still active and no one seemed to care if I was out there wandering around with a camera and a tripod.  It was a great setting in which to stumble about and shoot my heart out.   Many students accompanied me on these forays as well and I thank them for that.  Below are the ten images chosen for the Viewing Drawers.  They will be available from April 7th on.  Stop by if you are in Portland.  PS:  the featured image is titled, Lucille Crossing, 2013.

JNeuhauser_Nighttime_02South Park Bridge, Rebuilt, 2014


JNeuhauser_Nighttime_01Under the Argo Bridge, 2012


JNeuhauser_Nighttime_05Behind the Hanger Cafe,  2013


JNeuhauser_Nighttime_07Albro Street between 13th Avenue South and Stanley Street, 2015


JNeuhauser_Nighttime_03Off Airport Way, north of the Argo Bridge, 2015


15682630116_e5ed6726b1_b13th Avenue South. 2014


JNeuhauser_Nighttime_04Alley off Stanley Street, 2014


JNeuhauser_Nighttime_08Along Airport Way at South Vale Street, 2015


JNeuhauser_Nighttime_10Corner of Stanley Street and Albro Avenue, Looking North, 2015




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