Paradise is a Road Trip

Fine Art PrintsBio

I took a week and flew to San Francisco and then drove up to the Lost Coast with a friend, a master of the road trip.  We hid two pinholes on the  Coast and if they survive for six months, they will need to be retrieved and scanned.  If found accidentally, I left a little plea not to open, to search the internet for The Pinhole Project  and hopefully then  preserve the camera.    I love the idea of putting out the cameras for  extended periods of time, no way to know whether they will make it six months.    The experience has taught me much about placing the cameras for the long term and how niches are best, protected from the weather, subtle little corners no one will notice.   The key is flexibility and believing in the happy accident.

I alsFromWhisperRidgeo photographed on this trip with my trusty dslr and a 4 x 5 pinhole camera that was loaded with color negative film. Here  is a dslr image taken from the exact spot as the 4 x 5 pinhole, up on Prosper Road.  One important difference is in the amount of time both images were exposed:   the pinhole had an exposure of about 30 minutes, and the dslr exposure was only 1/20 of a second.   The wind was blowing straight in from the ocean. Very energetic and very tranquil at the same time.   It will be interesting to see which exposure does justice to this magnificent view. The fog rolled in and laid down on the hills, said a big screw you to me as though a little fog could talk me out of taking a picture.  I photographed until the light was gone.  Incredibly beautiful spot, and I do not begin to believe that I have done it justice. But am grateful for the opportunity to try.  Below is the pinhole image:  I will let you decide which one you like better.


The featured image was a small long exposure  pinhole camera placed loaded with paper and placed under a bridge for just 24 hours.  I do not understand it nor can I tell what happened,  One of the mysteries of life.



At first it was wonderful to just meet Gio (John) Apruzzese, and to know there was another human close by in this deserted lonely town. I was curious about his writing. He was very easy to talk to and the books in Lo Studio provided fodder for our talk. Turns out Gio...

A New Website

A New Website

I am a lucky person.  Mostly.  Since the pandemic began, I have been staying home, like most people and as most of you know, I shattered the femur in my right leg, August 24th.  It took almost four months for that to heal.  In the meantime, my friends have been very...

Self-Portrait after 911

Self-Portrait after 911

Here is another one of a kind print from the early 2000s.  This is a self portrait taken with my old Mimaya TLR (twin lens reflex):  the film slipped when advanced.  I would get many frames that overlapped (a precursor to the pinhole images I do today).  The camera...