Tales of Multi-Hole Pinhole Cameras

Fine Art PrintsBio

The Pinhole Project continues with over 2000 images made in the last two and a half years.  What I love about the Project is the willingness of the participants to try different cameras and wait for sometimes up to three months to see the image they have made.  While a certain breath mint tin makes a fantastic camera and has been used for the majority of the images in the Archive,  several photographers have ventured into new territory and  made cameras out of a variety of tins with several holes, sometimes placed evenly around the front of the tin and sometimes randomly placed.  The beautiful thing about the Pinhole Project is that anything goes and almost always everything works out well, even images that have been soaked with water and are damaged,  even cameras  that have fallen down and been put back up several times.

This post celebrates those participants who tended and placed their multi-hole cameras or whose cameras persisted despite all odds and were put up after falling down, again and again.  The two holes harken back to the old stereotype cameras of the 19th century and the old landscapes which took lots of time and effort to expose.  They reinforce my love of the diptych.

One of the great experimenters has been April Surgent who took cameras with her to a remote scientific station in Antarctica a few years back.  She was a novice at making the cameras and inadvertently at first poked several holes in the piece of brass shim stock where one hole usually is poked.  She made beautiful images with sun trails floating across the sky like flights of birds in  dreams.  For a full account of her journey, take a look at an earlier blog post on here work: http://www.janetneuhauser.com/april-surgents-pinholes/

11-15-20-BB2-4AP-Gamage Point-color


Another major player in the two hole pinhole camera world is Eric Riedel, a fellow Sunny Arms artist coop member.  Eric has made over 20 exposures over the last few years and his images are stunning.  He generally exposes the images for just three weeks.  Here is a pinhole image he made in collaboration with Barry Christensen..  it  is  four  hole  camera–Eric and  Barry  each  exposed two holes.









sabelle Ranson has experimented with several two hole cameras.  Here is one of her’s:

Isabelle Ranson141

I have been working with a three hole camera;  here is one of my recent 90 day exposures from the Sunny Arms Artist Coop, where I live and work in Seattle.  The yellow lines in the foreground are car lights coming in and out of the parking l




he featured image is by Steve Neuhauser who made a 60 day exposure in his boathouse, where he lives with a two hole camera.

Look for a new website for the Pinhole Project coming soon.  It is now under construction….

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