A New Website

Fine Art PrintsBio

I am a lucky person.  Mostly.  Since the pandemic began, I have been staying home, like most people and as most of you know, I shattered the femur in my right leg, August 24th.  It took almost four months for that to heal.  In the meantime, my friends have been very good to me and while I have not done a lot of new pinhole work,  I have been well taken care of and  been well fed.  A website designer and friend, Angela Prosper thought I should definitely upgrade my almost ten year old website.  She is so right and she designed a new one for me;  She is a great designer who is visually smart and creative and also has the ability to explain the technical “stuff” to an techno-idiot like me.  Go to her website and you can see for yourself: rainydayprosper.com

On the new website there is a place for you to sign up to get an email each time I post something new (probably about twice a month).  I have a new Mailchimp account.and will send you an email {if you fill out the newsletter form) when  I do a new blog post. .  What else have I been shooting all these long months of the pandemic?  I turned to flowers and have begun to photograph them with my 8 x10 inch pinhole camera on color negative film. I found a box of 8 x 10 color negative film that I won in a raffle several years ago.   I also  been given some awesome tins for making new long exposure cameras.  I made two into cameras and are still exposing–one is a lunch box, (it has become a 2 hole camera) several are beautiful round tins that were old tobacco cans and one is a  big potato chip can that has become a three hole camera and is exposing as we speak along with the lunch box camera.  I dreamed about doing pinhole portraits of people.  So along with this new website, I will post a few photographs that I have made in the last year and hopefully snag you for my new email list  Thank you for reading this post.  Oh and I made some long exposure pinholes of the parking lot where I live in Sodo and was in a show that was featured on zoom.  Here are some images that are recent.  The featured image is called Portrait of Jenny Riffle because well it is her.

Flowers: double exposure

Flowers as they died.









Three hole camera from My. Doorway

Mom and Dad’s Grave

Portrait of Jenny Riffle









The Sun Trail as It Moved Southward

My Front Door: 2 hole camera

An Array of Nine Cameras: The Shunpike Window

Two Hole Camera from the Shunpike Window

Self-Portrait after 911

Self-Portrait after 911

Here is another one of a kind print from the early 2000s.  This is a self portrait taken with my old Mimaya TLR (twin lens reflex):  the film slipped when advanced.  I would get many frames that overlapped (a precursor to the pinhole images I do today).  The camera...

Janet and Jess

Janet and Jess

I wanted to make a new Home page and have my website open up to it.  But alas, my template will not allow it.  Might have to change, but in the meantime what I wanted to do on the home page was offer one item for sale each week.  This week it is an old school contact...

More on the Shunpike Storefront in South Lake Union

The storefont lives on.  Originally I placed five cameras in the Storefront window looking out to the so called view.  Not a great view but the cameras did make photographs.  I had two two-hole cameras, an altoid tin, my favorite square camera, an array...